There are a lot of tasks when you have to display information from list item in web part or on the page without list view.
For example, you have to create a web part to display any kind of media on the page. And this media contains a Rating field.
For such situations I've created a JavaScript control to render Rating Field outside list views. The control is based on RateIt jQuery plugin.
So no more words, let's have some code.

I'm assuming that jQuery has been already loaded to the page.

(function () {
    if (!window.YourNamespace)
        window.YourNamespace = {};
    var ns = window.YourNamespace;
    // I want to be sure that scripts are loaded
    SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', function () { });
    SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () { }, 'sp.js');

    SP.SOD.executeFunc('reputation.js', 'Microsoft.Office.Server.ReputationModel.Reputation', function () { });
    SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () { }, 'reputation.js');

    ns.RatingControl = function (settings) {
        if (!settings)
        var control = {
            parent: settings.parent, // parent DOM node (it could be just any css selector
            listId: settings.listId, // list ID
            itemId: settings.itemId, // item ID
            spContext: null,
            spWeb: null,
            spList: null,
            averageRating: null,
            ratingCount: null,
            _loadCss: function (src) {
                var css = document.createElement("link");
                css.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
                css.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
                css.setAttribute("href", src);

                (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(css);

            init: function () {
                var path = _spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + 'path_to_your_scripts';
                this._loadCss(path + 'rateit.css'); // load standard css for RateIt control
                this._loadCss(path + 'your-rating-control.css'); // load customizations
                    jQuery.getScript(path + 'jquery.rateit.min.js'), // load RateIt
                    this.loadRatingInfo(), // load 
                    jQuery.Deferred(function (deferred) { deferred.resolve(); })
                ).done(jQuery.proxy(this.render, this));

            loadRatingInfo: function () {
                var deferred = new jQuery.Deferred();

                if (!this.spContext) {
                    this.spContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); // getting Client Context
                    this.spWeb = this.spContext.get_web(); // getting Web
                    this.spList = this.spWeb.get_lists().getById(this.listId); // getting List

                var item = this.spList.getItemById(this.itemId); // getting Item
                this.spContext.load(item); // here we can add the second parameter like 'Include(AverageRating, RatingCount)' 
                                           // to load only needed fields
                this.spContext.executeQueryAsync(jQuery.proxy(function () {
                    this.averageRating = item.get_item('AverageRating') || 0;
                    this.ratingCount = item.get_item('RatingCount') || 0;
                }, this), function () {

                return deferred;

            render: function () {
                var $parent = jQuery(this.parent),
                    $container = this.$container = jQuery('<div class="your-rating-control"></div>'); // initializing container

                // initializing RateIt control
                    min: 0,  // minimum 0 stars
                    max: 5,  // maximum 5 stars
                    step: 1, // step is 1 star
                    resetable: false, // we  don't need reset button
                    value: this.averageRating, // current value
                    starwidth: 16, // width of the star image
                    starheight: 16 // height of the star image
                }).bind('rated', jQuery.proxy(this.onRated, this)); // bind to event

            onRated: function (e, value) {
                // setting rating of the current user and gettng average one
                var rating = Microsoft.Office.Server.ReputationModel.Reputation.setRating(this.spContext,
                    this.listId, this.itemId, value);

                this.spContext.executeQueryAsync(jQuery.proxy(function () {
                    this.$container.rateit('value', rating.m_value); // setting average rating value to control
                }, this), function () {

        return control;

To modify the stars images override three css classes:
    background: url('empty-star.png');

    background: url('filled-star.png');

    background: url('filled-star.png');

Now you can use it:
var control = new YourNamespace.RatingControl({
    parent: '#some-div',
    listId: 'guid-string',
    itemId: 'intId'

Have fun!