( function () {
if ( ! window . YourNamespace )
window . YourNamespace = {};
var ns = window . YourNamespace ;
// I want to be sure that scripts are loaded
SP . SOD . executeFunc ( ' sp.js ' , ' SP.ClientContext ' , function () { });
SP . SOD . executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded ( function () { }, ' sp.js ' );
SP . SOD . executeFunc ( ' reputation.js ' , ' Microsoft.Office.Server.ReputationModel.Reputation ' , function () { });
SP . SOD . executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded ( function () { }, ' reputation.js ' );
ns . RatingControl = function ( settings ) {
if ( ! settings )
return ;
var control = {
parent : settings . parent , // parent DOM node (it could be just any css selector
listId : settings . listId , // list ID
itemId : settings . itemId , // item ID
spContext : null ,
spWeb : null ,
spList : null ,
averageRating : null ,
ratingCount : null ,
_loadCss : function ( src ) {
var css = document . createElement ( " link " );
css . setAttribute ( " rel " , " stylesheet " );
css . setAttribute ( " type " , " text/css " );
css . setAttribute ( " href " , src );
( document . getElementsByTagName ( ' head ' )[ 0 ] || document . getElementsByTagName ( ' body ' )[ 0 ]). appendChild ( css );
init : function () {
var path = _spPageContextInfo . siteServerRelativeUrl + ' path_to_your_scripts ' ;
this . _loadCss ( path + ' rateit.css ' ); // load standard css for RateIt control
this . _loadCss ( path + ' your-rating-control.css ' ); // load customizations
jQuery . when (
jQuery . getScript ( path + ' jquery.rateit.min.js ' ), // load RateIt
this . loadRatingInfo (), // load
jQuery . Deferred ( function ( deferred ) { deferred . resolve (); })
). done ( jQuery . proxy ( this . render , this ));
loadRatingInfo : function () {
var deferred = new jQuery . Deferred ();
if ( ! this . spContext ) {
this . spContext = SP . ClientContext . get_current (); // getting Client Context
this . spWeb = this . spContext . get_web (); // getting Web
this . spList = this . spWeb . get_lists (). getById ( this . listId ); // getting List
var item = this . spList . getItemById ( this . itemId ); // getting Item
this . spContext . load ( this . spWeb );
this . spContext . load ( this . spList );
this . spContext . load ( item ); // here we can add the second parameter like 'Include(AverageRating, RatingCount)'
// to load only needed fields
this . spContext . executeQueryAsync ( jQuery . proxy ( function () {
this . averageRating = item . get_item ( ' AverageRating ' ) || 0 ;
this . ratingCount = item . get_item ( ' RatingCount ' ) || 0 ;
deferred . resolve ();
}, this ), function () {
deferred . resolve ();
return deferred ;
render : function () {
var $parent = jQuery ( this . parent ),
$container = this . $container = jQuery ( ' <div class="your-rating-control"></div> ' ); // initializing container
$parent . append ( $container );
// initializing RateIt control
$container . rateit ({
min : 0 , // minimum 0 stars
max : 5 , // maximum 5 stars
step : 1 , // step is 1 star
resetable : false , // we don't need reset button
value : this . averageRating , // current value
starwidth : 16 , // width of the star image
starheight : 16 // height of the star image
}). bind ( ' rated ' , jQuery . proxy ( this . onRated , this )); // bind to event
onRated : function ( e , value ) {
// setting rating of the current user and gettng average one
var rating = Microsoft . Office . Server . ReputationModel . Reputation . setRating ( this . spContext ,
this . listId , this . itemId , value );
this . spContext . executeQueryAsync ( jQuery . proxy ( function () {
this . $container . rateit ( ' value ' , rating . m_value ); // setting average rating value to control
}, this ), function () {
return control ;