This is the last post of three that explain how to add dependent properties to Client Web Part Property Pane.
As an example of such properties I decided to use Lists dropdown and Views dropdown. Views dropdown is populated based on selected List. As a result of these three posts we'll have a fully working web part with ability to select List View in Property Pane:

Here is a content of 3 posts:
  1. SPFx. Client Web Part Property Pane Dependent Properties. Part I: Preparation.
  2. SPFx. Client Web Part Property Pane Dependent Properties. Part II: Dependent Properties Control.
  3. SPFx. Client Web Part Property Pane Dependent Properties. Part III: Styling Dependent Properties Control as Office UI Fabric dropdowns. Knockout version. (current post)
All the code is available on GitHub (
I'm using Visual Studio Code IDE for the tutorial.

This post describes creation of custom Knockout bindings, custom Knockout components and styling your components in Office UI Fabric manner.

In previous post we created a custom field that consists of two dependent dropdowns. Everything works good but looks not so good. It would be much better if our dropdowns look similar to Office UI Fabric Dropdown. Unfortunately there is no Knockout version of Office UI Fabric Dropdown and a Dropdown from Fabric JS is pretty static - it creates <ul> markup based on a <select>. But if you change something in your select dynamically it won't reflect UL until you recreate the Fabric JS dropdown.
So let's create our own Knockout.js component styled as Office UI Fabric Dropdown. You can find documentation on Knockout components here so I won't spend time to describe it deeply. In few words we need to create a view, a viewmodel and register the component to be able to use it in our app.
First of all, we need to create some interface that will describe a single dropdown item. We need value, text and selected flag to describe an item (/webparts/depProps/components/dropdown/viewmodel):

 * Dropdown option item
export interface IDropdownOption {
  value: string | number;
  text: string;
  selected: boolean;

It also would be great if our component's bindings look similar to standard <select> bindings. It means that we could provide
  • options - observable array of dropdown items
  • optionsCaption - dummy option to prefix a list of dropdown items
  • value - selected value
  • disabled - flag if a dropdown disabled or not
in a manner like
<our-component params="options: listOfOptions, optionsCaption: caption, value: currentValue, disabled: isDisabled"></our-component>
Based on the above we can create an interface that describes parameters of our component (/webparts/depProps/components/dropdown/viewmodel):
 * Parameters that can be provided to Dropdown component
export interface IDropdownViewModelParams {
   * options collection as KnockoutObservableArray
  options: KnockoutObservableArray<idropdownoption>;
   * Dropdown empty element text and text of Dropdown label
  optionsCaption: string;
   * Selected value
  value: KnockoutObservable<string>;

   * Is Dropdown disabled
  disabled?: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;

Now let's look at Office UI Fabric Dropdown markup to understand what we need to implement in our component's view:
  <label class="ms-Label">Label goes here</label>
  <div class="ms-Dropdown">
    <span class="ms-Dropdown-title">Selected Option</span>
    <i class="ms-Dropdown-caretDown ms-Icon ms-Icon--ChevronDown"></i>
    <ul class="ms-Dropdown-items">
      <li class="ms-Dropdown-item" role="option">Option 1</li>
      <li class="ms-Dropdown-item">Option 2</li>
      <!-- etc. -->

This is how our view should look. LI elements will be created dynamically based on options property. The only thing we need to decide is how to implement inserting of optionsCaption dummy item before options in the dropdown. There are two ways for that. First one is to implement the logic in viewmodel: get options array and insert a new element there which will have optionsText as text, -1 as value. And in the view we can use simple for binding to iterate through the items and create li elements for each of them.
Second one is to create a custom binding similar to out-of-the-box options binding.
I selected the second option to practice in custom bindings.
Let's call the binding class as MsDropdownOptions and put it in /webparts/depProps/bindings/MsDropdownOptions.ts:
import * as ko from 'knockout';
 * Knockout 'msoptions' binding.
 * Allows to bind Fabric UI dropdown options in the similar way to standard select options binding
class MsDropdownOptions {
  constructor() {
    this.init = this.init.bind(this);
    this.update = this.update.bind(this);

   * This will be called when the binding is first applied to an element
  public init(element: any, valueAccessor: () => any, allBindingsAccessor?: KnockoutAllBindingsAccessor, viewModel?: any, bindingContext?: KnockoutBindingContext): void | { controlsDescendantBindings: boolean; } {
    // check if binding is applied to the correct element
    if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'div' || element.className.indexOf('ms-Dropdown') === -1)
      throw new Error('msoptions binding applies only to <div class="ms-Dropdown"> elements');

    // removing previous content if any

    return { 'controlsDescendantBindings': true };
   * Removes previous content of dropdown
  private removePreviousContent(element: any) {
    const titleEl: HTMLSpanElement = element.querySelector('span');
    if (titleEl) {
      titleEl.textContent = '';

    const listEl = element.querySelector('ul');
    if (!listEl)
      throw new Error('Incorrect markup in ms-Dropdown element');

    while (listEl.children.length) {

   * This method adds all the options and also updates selected item and text
  private addNewContent(element: any, options: {}[], selectedValue: KnockoutObservable<string>, itemSelected: (evt: MouseEvent) => any): void {
    const titleEl: HTMLSpanElement = element.querySelector('span');
    const listEl = element.querySelector('ul');
    let selectedValueUnwrapped: string = selectedValue &amp;&amp; ko.utils.unwrapObservable(selectedValue);
    let selectedValueChanged: boolean = false;

    if (!listEl || !titleEl)
      throw new Error('Incorrect markup in ms-Dropdown element');

    for (let i: number = 0, len: number = options.length; i < len; i++) {
      const liEl: HTMLLIElement = document.createElement('li');
      const option = options[i];
      liEl.textContent = option['text'];
      liEl.setAttribute('aria-value', option['value']);
      liEl.setAttribute('role', 'option');
      liEl.setAttribute('aria-text', option['text']);
      liEl.className = 'ms-Dropdown-item';

      let isSelected: boolean = false;

      if (selectedValueUnwrapped &amp;&amp; selectedValueUnwrapped === option['value'])
        isSelected = true;
      else {
        isSelected = option['selected'] === true || option['selected'] === true || option['selected'] === 'selected';
        if (isSelected) {
          selectedValueUnwrapped = option['value'];
          selectedValueChanged = true;

      liEl.setAttribute('aria-selected', isSelected + '');

      if (isSelected) {
        titleEl.textContent = option['text'];
        liEl.className += ' is-selected';

      if (itemSelected) {
        liEl.addEventListener('click', itemSelected); // itemSelected is provided from binding as well


    if (!titleEl.textContent &amp;&amp; options.length > 0) {
      titleEl.textContent = options[0]['text'];
      listEl.children[0].setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
      selectedValueUnwrapped = options[0]['value'];
      selectedValueChanged = true;

    if (selectedValueChanged &amp;&amp; selectedValue)

   * This will be called once when the binding is first applied to an element,
   * and again whenever any observables/computeds that are accessed change
  public update(element: any, valueAccessor: () => any, allBindingsAccessor?: KnockoutAllBindingsAccessor,
    viewModel?: any, bindingContext?: KnockoutBindingContext): void {

    let unwrappedArray: any = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
    let captionValue: any;
    let filteredArray: {}[] = [];
    let itemSelected: (evt: MouseEvent) => any;

    if (unwrappedArray) {
      if (typeof unwrappedArray.length == "undefined") // Coerce single value into array
        unwrappedArray = [unwrappedArray];

      // Filter out any entries marked as destroyed
      filteredArray = ko.utils.arrayFilter(unwrappedArray, (item) => {
        return item === undefined || item === null || !ko.utils.unwrapObservable(item['_destroy']);

      // If caption is included, add it to the array
      if (allBindingsAccessor['has']('optionsCaption')) {
        captionValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(allBindingsAccessor.get('optionsCaption'));
        // If caption value is null or undefined, don't show a caption
        if (captionValue !== null &amp;&amp; captionValue !== undefined) {
          filteredArray.unshift({ value: "-1", text: captionValue });
    } else {
      // If a falsy value is provided (e.g. null), we'll simply empty the select element

    if (allBindingsAccessor['has']('itemSelected'))
      itemSelected = allBindingsAccessor.get('itemSelected') as (evt: MouseEvent) => any;
    this.addNewContent(element, filteredArray, allBindingsAccessor.get('value'), itemSelected);
Also we need to register this binding inside knockout. For that we need to extend KnockoutBindingHandlers interface definition with a new property (/webparts/depProps/bindings/bindings.d.ts):
/// <reference path="../../../../typings/knockout/knockout.d.ts">
interface KnockoutBindingHandlers {
  msoptions: KnockoutBindingHandler; // custom binding for Knockout Fabric UI dropdown options

And also we'll create a function that will register our custom binding (/webparts/depProps/bindings/MsDropdownOptions.ts):
 * This API adds custom 'msoptions' binding to Knockout bindingHandlers object
export function addMsDropdownBindingHandler(): void {
  if (!ko.bindingHandlers.msoptions)
    ko.bindingHandlers.msoptions = new MsDropdownOptions();
Now we can use this binging in our view. So the final markup with bindings (based on Office UI Fabric Dropdown markup) will look like (/webparts/depProps/components/dropdown/view.ts):
 * Dropdown markup (Fabric UI style)
export default class DrowdownView {
  public static templateHtml: string = `
      <label class="ms-label" data-bind="text: optionsCaption"></label>
      <div class="ms-Dropdown" data-bind="click: onOpenDropdown, msoptions: options, optionsCaption: optionsCaption, value: value, itemSelected: onItemSelected, css: { 'is-open': isOpen(), 'is-disabled': disabled() }">
        <span class="ms-Dropdown-title" data-bind=""></span>
        <i class="ms-Dropdown-caretDown ms-Icon ms-Icon--ChevronDown"></i>
        <ul class="ms-Dropdown-items" role="listbox">
msoptions, optionsCaption and itemSelected parameters are handled inside created custom binding.

As you can see there are some methods in the binding (onOpenDropdown, onItemSelected, isOpen, disabled). All these methods should be implemented in a viewmodel. So let's create the viewmodel (/webpars/depProps/components/dropdown/viewmodel.ts).
import * as ko from 'knockout';

 * ViewModel of custom Dropdown component
export class DropdownViewModel {
   * Last opened Dropdown ViewModel
  private static _openedDropdownVM: DropdownViewModel;
   * Component initial parameters
  private _params: IDropdownViewModelParams;

   * Dropdown options
  protected options: KnockoutObservableArray<IDropdownOption>;
   * Options caption
  protected optionsCaption: string;
   * Current selected value
  protected value: KnockoutObservable<string>;
   * Is Dropdown opened
  protected isOpen: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;

   * Is Dropdown disabled
  protected disabled: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;

   * ctor
  constructor(params: IDropdownViewModelParams) {
    this._params = params;
    this.options = params.options;
    this.optionsCaption = params.optionsCaption;
    this.value = params.value;

    if (params.disabled)
      this.disabled = params.disabled;
      this.disabled = ko.observable<boolean>(false);

    // initally dropdown is closed
    this.isOpen = ko.observable<boolean>(false);

    // binding all handlers to current instance
    this.onItemSelected = this.onItemSelected.bind(this);
    this.onOpenDropdown = this.onOpenDropdown.bind(this);
    this._onDocClick = this._onDocClick.bind(this);

   * item selected handler
  public onItemSelected(evt: MouseEvent) {
    var selectedItem = evt.srcElement;

   * Open-close dropdown handler
  public onOpenDropdown(vm: DropdownViewModel, evt: MouseEvent) {
    if (this.disabled())
    const isOpen: boolean = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(this.isOpen);

    if (!isOpen) {
      if (DropdownViewModel._openedDropdownVM &amp;&amp; DropdownViewModel._openedDropdownVM !== this) {

      DropdownViewModel._openedDropdownVM = this;
      document.addEventListener('click', this._onDocClick);

   * document.onclick handler
  private _onDocClick(evt: MouseEvent) {
    document.removeEventListener('click', this._onDocClick);
Now register it (/webparts/depProps/components/dropdown/Dropdown.ts):
import DropdownView from './view';
import { DropdownViewModel } from './viewmodel';
import * as ko from 'knockout';
import { addMsDropdownBindingHandler } from '../../bindings/MsDropdownOptions';

 * custom dropdown component name
export const DROPDOWN_COMPONENT: string = 'spfx_dropdown';

 * API to register custom dropdown component
export function registerDropdown(): boolean {
  if (!ko.bindingHandlers.msoptions)

  if (!ko.components.isRegistered(DROPDOWN_COMPONENT)) {
    ko.components.register(DROPDOWN_COMPONENT, {
      template: DropdownView.templateHtml,
      viewModel: DropdownViewModel

  return true;

And finally use it in our custom Property Pane field. For that:
  • import component name in PropertyPaneViewSelectorView.ts
    import { DROPDOWN_COMPONENT } from '../components/dropdown/Dropdown';
  • change the _template variable of PropertyPaneViewSelectorView class to:
    private _template: string = `
        <div class="view-selector-component">
          <${DROPDOWN_COMPONENT} params="options: lists, optionsCaption: listLabel, value: currentList"></${DROPDOWN_COMPONENT}>
          <${DROPDOWN_COMPONENT} params="options: views, optionsCaption: viewLabel, value: currentView, disabled: noListSelection"></${DROPDOWN_COMPONENT}>
  • and change PropertyPaneViewSelector class to register the component in constructor:
    // somewhere at the beginning of the file
    import { registerDropdown } from '../components/dropdown/Dropdown';
     * ctor
     public constructor(_targetProperty: string, _properties: IPropertyPaneViewSelectorFieldPropsInternal) {
       // add this to the end of the constructor method
       // registering used custom Knockout components (dropdown)
     * Registers used custom Knockout components
    private _registerComponents(): void {
Now we finished and can enjoy our beautiful custom Property Pane Field with Office UI Fabric-like dropdowns:
Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Have fun!